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Graphing with GUI




in basic m-file works fine.

But now I am trying to draw a plot using GUI, and by inputing a function.It gives me bunch of errors. Could anyone explain how I can give values to the y when I have the range of x set?

% --- Executes on button press in zimet.function zimet_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)% hObject    handle to zimet (see GCBO)% eventdata  reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB% handles    structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)x=-10:0.1:10;f=inline(get(handles.vdj,'string'))y(x)=faxes(handles.axes)plot(x,y)color=get(handles.listbox, 'value')switch color    case 2       set(plot(x,y),'color', 'r')    case 3        set(plot(x,y),'color', 'g')    case 4        set(plot(x,y),'color', 'b')endstyle=get(handles.popupmenu, 'value')switch style    case 2        set(plot(x,y), 'linestyle','--')    case 3        set(plot(x,y), 'linestyle','-.')    case 4        set(plot(x,y), 'linestyle',':')endrezgis=get(handles.grid, 'value')switch rezgis    case 1        grid on    case 2        grid offend

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